Thursday, April 21, 2011

The second Principle: Realize that life is a school and you are here to learn

“The worst of all deceptions is the self-deception that we no longer need to learn.”Plato
Learning is not compulsory but neither is survival (W. Edwards Deming)
Boy, I've read some deep stuff here about this topic. I think knowledge is simply a tool for survival.
Some things in this life are optional, but for some, they are compulsory. I need the latest peeped toe shoe that is in fashion, now that is optional. I need to learn every other day to keep up to date with any change in the accounting field and to be in business. If it wasn’t for knowledge, how would I know anyway?
   How many times have I wished that I had known more than I did at the time of passing so that I could have made changes for the better? Many, I can tell you. What you don't know will always hurt you.
   It may seem quite in order for you to say that you have no regrets and that every decision you have ever made in life was according to you purpose. But I think not.
Had I had the knowledge that disasters were about to happen then I would have diverted them. I would have known when and where to turn and how best to handle the situation.
   We so want to feel that life has a meaning and purpose that we sacrifice our ability to learn at the expense of truly feeling our fear and horror that we may have prevented a drastic outcome.
   That is not to say that I do not think that there is beauty in lack of knowledge. The innocence of youth and the lack of pain caused by lack of understanding can be welcomed when in the path of darkness.
But there is also some solace in knowing that through a lack of understanding one cannot always do what is best. It explains why everything doesn't always go as planned and why people make mistakes.
   Although I am a firm believer that the more you know the more power you have, I also know that life often turns fast held beliefs on their heels. If I was the devils advocate then perhaps I would mention that innocence has its power. Looking a blank slate in the eye confuses those who are already unsure and leads them open to the truth.
   The truth is what we believe it to be. Weight is added to this by how many other people hold similar beliefs. If many others believe the same as us then we think that we are correct. We are right.
   But the basic knowledge of life tells us that we cannot function beyond our means. What we know to be true surely does lend us power to assert our views and have confidence in our countenance.
   When I look back and see what I wish I could have changed, I know that a wish is all that it is. Without prior knowledge I could have made no difference, and the truth is that we all do the best that we can with what little knowledge that we hold at that time and place in history.
      Whoever learns stays young. The question is, what do we learn? The answer…whatever you are passionate about. We all have different things that make us tick and the moment you learn something that you are really good at, you are at an advantage over whoever doesn’t know

Ten steps on how to take control of your life

Ten steps to taking control of our lives and sending our train of life along different tracks.
Here’s a brief look at the ten steps before we go into detail:
·         Know yourself. There is nothing as eye opening as knowing oneself. When you know what you are really good at and what you are weak at, it suddenly makes it easier for you to determine which direction your life will take
·         Identify your morals. Your morals are what you believe in and what you would like to represent. They determine how you treat people, the relationships you seek, and your ideas of right and wrong. Morals are your fundamental convictions.
·         Explore your alternatives. Based on your personal list and your worth system, list all of the business possibilities that could work for you. Read business books and magazines and talk to business owners about their businesses.
·          Set up your goals. Write goal statements that are specific, measurable, achievable and time bound.
·         Make an action plan. Base your plan on the information you have about yourself, your morals, and your goals. List the steps you need to take and the resources (money and time) required to accomplish your goals. Prioritize the steps. Ask yourself a couple of questions: Are these goals realistic? Do you have the necessary resources available to implement your plan?
·         Examine your environment. Make sure you are surrounded by people who help you achieve your goals. if the people you relate to do not believe in what you are doing, they are bound to pull you down
·         Learn discipline. Successful people do not succumb to procrastination or temporary setbacks. They overcome obstacles with an inner strength: discipline. You can learn to be disciplined. The more disciplined you become, the more control you will have over your life.
·          Be flexible. Be ready to constantly reevaluate yourself, your values, your goals, and your action plan. Be ready to modify your strategies when change occurs, because it will.
·         Make a choice. At some point, you will have all of the information you need to decide whether to start a particular business or not. If the decision is to move forward, then make that part of your action plan. It is also okay to decide not to proceed with a business idea. In fact, that’s the whole idea of researching—to determine if a business will work for you or not. Your research costs you time but it is well worth it.
·          Arrive at a result. The result is the destination of your journey. When you arrive, take time to evaluate your trip. Did you accomplish what you set out to accomplish? What did you learn along the way? Get ready to set your next goals.

Categories in your life to make goals in

For you to be able to pursue your purpose, you need to make goals in all areas of your life that will make it possible for you to reach your destination.To help give you a broad, and balanced coverage of all important areas in your life, try to set goals in some or all of the following categories:
• Innovative:
Do you want to achieve any innovative goals? If so, what is it? Do you want to write a book; paint a masterpiece, or write a song?
Do you want to be a parent? If so, how are you going to be a good parent? How do you want your partner or family members to see you?
Is there any knowledge you want to acquire in particular or some area of study that you would like to pursue? What information and skills will you need to achieve these goals?
• Physical:
Are there any athletic goals you want to achieve, or do you want good health deep into old age? What steps are you going to take to achieve this?
How much do you want to earn by what age in your life? What can you do to make that come about?
What level do you want to reach in your career? Is it your goal to be the boss or own your own company someday, or do you want to be the president of someone else’s company?

Life design elements to help you in your purpose

Your life is a big, beautiful blooming flower with numerous specially decorated petals making up your unique experience.
Your lessons are your personal learning and growth opportunities.
Your values provide direction and guidance for important life decisions.
Your vision is your overall blueprint for the kind of life you want to lead.
Your purpose is who you want to be and what you want to share with others.
Your passions are the things you love.
Your life’s work is the on-going personal and professional projects that you complete.
Your goals are mini-steps that help support your work, purpose, and vision.
Your roles are the parts you play along your journey.
Your supports are the people, places, and things that give you a sense of balance.
Your path is the way you choose to create your life by conscious choices you make during your journey.
You must find your path and bravely follow it wherever it leads…

Why purpose is important?

Purpose gives us significance. José Ortega y Gasset (1883 ~ 1955) described it this way, If we can take life as it is and leave it better than we found it then at the end of this life we will know we were significant "Life is a petty thing unless it is moved by the indomitable urge to extend its boundaries. Only in proportion as we are desirous of living more do we really live.’
Purpose gives direction to our lives. Purpose helps us choose the course we will follow. It points us to endless growth and helps us to be better people tomorrow than we were today.
When we are aligned with a purpose we are aligned with God. When we are “on purpose” we tap into God’s power, we have His support! The best things in life seem to be naturally attracted to us. But when we lose sight of our purpose, we lose sight of God.
It provides us with passion which gives us illumination to be able to face and overcome pain, suffering, and difficulties. Life is just a candle which without its illumination could give no light.
 It is the key that unlocks our potential which gives our life a sense of eternity. The greatest use in life is to spend it for something that will outlive it
It fills us with enthusiasm that wins us friends and opens many doors of opportunity. We are more connected to one another as human beings and more content with who we are and what we do.  It makes us useful to our friends and the world thus giving our life meaning For as George Eliot (pseudonym of Mary Ann Evans Cross, 1819 ~ 1880) wrote, "What do we live for; if it is not to make life less difficult to each other?"
It allows us to realize our power and take action courageously. Our purpose will strengthen all of our other goals by binding them with a common purpose William Faulkner (1897~1962), "Always dream and shoot higher than you know how to. Don’t bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself
 It loads our lives with serenity, cheerfulness, anticipation, delight, and contentment. When we are living from our true purpose, we feel more energetic, filled with excitement, joy, and inner peace.  Our contribution is a way of thanking life for life. Arthur P. Stanley (1815 ~ 81) explained it this way: "There are glimpses of heaven to us in every act, or thought, or word that raises us above ourselves."
 Despite the difficult and demanding times we live in, it gives us hope."He who has a why to live can bear with almost any how" Nietzsche said
 It defines us. It explains who and what we are and brings out the best in us. There is no better feeling than knowing that you have value. As Thomas Carlyle (1795 ~
1881) wrote, "The weakest living creature, by concentrating his powers on a single object, can accomplish something; the strongest, by dispensing his over many, may fail to accomplish anything. The drop, by continually falling, bores its passage through the hardest rock; but the hasty torrent rushes over it with tremendous uproar, and leaves no mark upon it."
·           It challenges us to do what we never dared to and invites us to do what we formally believed to be impossible. Richard M. DeVos, the founder of Amway Corp., also writes about the flame of hope: "No life is more tragic than that of the individual who nurses a dream, an ambition, always wishing and hoping, but never giving it a chance to happen. He nurses the flickering dream, but never lets it break out into flame."

Characteristics of a life purpose

A life purpose…
·             Is greater than you. It provides you with a connection to others and provides you with a way to use your talents. As William J. Durant (1885 ~ 1981) wrote, "To give life a meaning, one must have a purpose larger than self." Make your purpose larger and grander than yourself; make it something to aspire to.
·             It sustains and supports what believe. This helps you discover your hopes, dream and aspirations. Therefore, as you find your purpose, seek not what is just interesting, but what is important; not just what fascinates you, but what electrifies you.
·             It is born with you and also dies with you. It shapes you from the time you were born to the time you die. Everything you are today, or ever will be in the future, is because of you. Your life today is the sum total result of your choices, decisions and actions up to this point. You can recreate your own future by living purposefully. You can make new choices and decisions that are more consistent with the person you want to be and the things you want to accomplish with your life.
·        Grants you with a way to accomplish it. If your purpose in life is to inspire others you will find that you may have more than one way to achieve the same, for instance you may realize you are a very gifted speaker or writer. Don't be afraid to have big dreams, for they are the ones that will excite you. Small dreams are smoldering ashes; big dreams are raging infernos. Reach out for what is yet impossible for you to imagine doing. For your purpose will create a way for you to achieve your dreams
·             Offers a structure for what you will be and do during your lifetime. You achieve maximum performance & satisfaction, experience less-stress, and enjoy more meaning and authenticity. 
·             Is the subject matter of your life story .Your chosen path will give you more freedom to decide how to live out your personal and professional roles?

Unlocking your purpose

What is your purpose in life?
I am optimistic that the answer that mind right now is more of a feeling than an intellectual answer. It also true that when we answer our call, we are driven by passion, work with enthusiasm, and spread excitement wherever we go.
My life purpose is making others to be better people.
It's very simple and probably something you can relate to. But you will notice that it is quite ambiguous and not specific. It leaves a lot of unanswered questions. How will I make others to be better people?
I would achieve this by "By appreciating, inspiring and encouraging them.” observe how my purpose is becoming clearer. But we still need to make it more specific. "How will I appreciate, inspire and encourage others?
The answer appears: I will write, preach in churches and schools, and do seminars. My purpose is growing still clearer, isn't it?
Further questions remain. Questions such as; what topics will I talk about in sermons? What subjects will I write? What will be the goals my seminars and how will I reach people?
As I search deeper, my purpose grows clearer. As it becomes clearer more and more questions are asked and it gives me the enthusiasm to achieve the same
Even though we may have the same purpose, we are all very unique. I may express my purpose by preaching while another may choose music to achieve the same. We all have different talents which will bring differences in the way we achieve our purpose points us to endless possibilities. It makes us a better people tomorrow than we were yesterday.